Christmas activities to DIY with the kids

News| 15th November 2023
Christmas activities to DIY with the kids
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Get into the Christmas spirit with these DIY activities the whole family can enjoy. A great way to get your little ones involved and create their very own decorations.

Hand-made Reindeers!

So simple but so fun! All you need is some paint and a few other crafty accessories like googly eyes and paintbrushes - and of course your hands, small or big!

Start by painting hands all over with paint (we recommend brown for the authentic look but you can use your imagination!) Using some paper press the hand down nice and strong to create the outline of your reindeer.

Once dry, grab your extras and glue them on. We suggest adding eyes, a nose and you may even like to add some glitter.


Remember, there’s no right way to make your reindeer!


Mini Christmas Trees!

For this activity you’ll need cupcake liners, icy pole sticks, pompoms, glitter pens, star bows and any other decorative elements you may like.

Start by folding and gluing your cupcake liners into little triangles, which will form the base of your tree. Then, stack and glue three together on top of an icy pole stick and a tree will appear before your eyes.

Now grab your shiny add ons, like glitter or pompoms and decorate ‘til your hearts content.

Drop into Nepean Village for all your Christmas needs, including everything you need to get the kids crafting.


Make it Christmas this year with Nepean Village.

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